Thursday, August 11, 2011


Yesterday, I asked my fiance if he liked my newest purchase: this adorable new Iphone cover from Kate Spade. I love the animal print and the hot pink sides (which you cannot see in the photo). The crispness of the black and white contrast with the fresh pop of bright color is like having a new phone. It was just the change I needed.
{Kate Spade Iphone 4 Hard Cover, $40.}
When he asked why I had changed it, my response was that it was for late summer and early fall. In the late fall I plan to change back to my old one. Should phone covers not be seasonally styled as well? This is where he gave a me a look I am very accustomed to. It is the look of "Oh-my-god-this-woman-is-an-alien-and-my-future-wife." I get this look from my alpha male fiance when I forget my audience and let all my girly colors shine though. These are the moments that highlight the gender divide in our relationship and remind us of the balance we create for one other. He loves me for this and I love him for that look.

That said, I have never been apologetic about my extreme femininity. I might look like this every morning,

but that is just part of the fun. I hope all of you are embracing what you love and living it. People may not always understand you, but they will love you anyway. Happy Thursday!

Treat everyday like you are on the runway.

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